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Infographic booklets overcome illiteracy barriers, enabling Indigenous peoples in the DRC to engage in forest governance

Despite many advancements in literacy rates, still today, approximately 1 in 5 people are completely illiterate, and of those who are literate, around 3 billion people are limited to basic level reading and writing. The global economy, however, is increasingly becoming a knowledge-based economy, wherein literacy is essential. Illiterate persons are consequently faced with discriminatory challenges which negatively affect their health, economic and social well-being, and their ability to engage in political spheres, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation.  

Urgent call to Minister Klever and the Dutch House of Representatives: A new policy framework for a stronger civil society

A strong civil society is essential for foreign trade and development cooperation. That is why the Strategic Partnerships, including the Green Livelihoods Alliance, are appealing to Minister Klever for Foreign Trade and Development and the Dutch House of Representatives to draft a new policy framework that strengthens civil society.

Palm oil company AAL threatens local communities

The Indonesian palm oil company Astra Agro Lestari (AAL) is notorious for deforestation and human rights violations. A new report reveals that AAL, in collaboration with the military police, is threatening local communities.

Nickel, forests and fishers: a story from Sulawesi

Sulawesi, the fourth-largest island in the Indonesian archipelago, is a sanctuary for rare and endangered wildlife. It is home to endemic species such as the anoa, the babirusa, and the iconic maleo bird. This rich biodiversity is increasingly under threat from the expanding nickel industry. In recent years, the island has witnessed a sharp rise in nickel mines and smelters, endangering its ecosystems.

In a guest post and photo essay, freelance photojournalist Garry Lotulung delves into the pressing challenges facing Sulawesi’s unique wildlife and landscapes.


The partnership, a platform, a springboard

‘If one partner leaves the alliance, it would feel like the amputation of a leg.’ A conversation with Diana Nabiruma and Richard Ssemmanda of the Green Livelihoods Alliance, about their fight against deforestation for fossil fuel extraction in Uganda and their support for local communities – ‘and they protect us from intelligence agents’.

Green Livelihoods Alliance partners at the CBD COP 16

Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) partners are actively participating at the CBD COP 16 in Colombia, from October 21st to November 1st, 2024. Access the full event schedule of GLA partners here.

CBD COP 16 Event: Youth it or lose it!

Traditional knowledge transmission for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity. Join us for a youth-led conversation about how traditional knowledge strengthens youth's connection to their territories and safeguards biodiversity at CDB COP16 on October, 24th.

Sustaining water through forests

Tropical forests play a critical role in the stable provisioning of clean, fresh water and related ecosystem services. The challenge of water scarcity is exacerbated by climate change, with roughly half of the world’s population experiencing severe water scarcity for at least part of the year. At IUCN NL, we work towards sustained water supply for healthy ecosystems, productive landscapes and fair access to good quality water for local communities. Our distinctive approach to water and forests focuses on a bottom-up strategy, prioritising local CSOs and communities. We integrate the agendas of climate, water, biodiversity, and the rights and livelihoods of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP&LCs). 

Securing community forest concessions in Bafwasende, DR Congo

After dedicated effort and persistence, nine local communities in Bafwasende, DR Congo have secured their rights to more than 320,000 hectares in the form of local community forest concessions (CFCLs). This was the result of more than three years of advocacy, lobbying and collaboration with various stakeholders, including our partner Tropenbos DR Congo as well as provincial and national authorities.