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The partnership, a platform, a springboard

‘If one partner leaves the alliance, it would feel like the amputation of a leg.’ A conversation with Diana Nabiruma and Richard Ssemmanda of the Green Livelihoods Alliance, about their fight against deforestation for fossil fuel extraction in Uganda and their support for local communities – ‘and they protect us from intelligence agents’.

This is what the economy of the Amazon will look like

At last year’s regional summit Conversations from the Amazon, representatives of Indigenous peoples gathered in Colombia to share knowledge and develop ‘sustainable initiatives of cultural and economic value’. Governments in the Amazon can set to work with them now, for the protection of the world’s richest rainforest. ‘You can cross the border in ten minutes, but sometimes it takes you years to complete a deal legally.’

This article originally appeared in a special issue of journalistic platform Vice Versa’ called “Listen, a new sound!” about the Power of Voices partnerships.

Striving for gender justice in forest and biodiversity governance: reflections on our exchange and capacity workshop parallel to the international biodiversity negotiations

Between 2021-2025, WECF, together with our close strategic partner the Global Forest Coalition (GFC) and international network partners, are engaged as the gender technical partners (GTPs) of the Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) ‘Forests for a Just Future’ programme. The GLA seeks to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods.

Bolivia’s watershed agreements: a case study of locally-led adaptation for climate resilience

As nations globally strive to find sustainable solutions to climate adversity, ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) and locally-led adaptation (LLA) emerged as a promising approaches, blending traditional knowledge with innovative strategies to enhance ecological and human well-being. This article explores the implementation of these approaches in Bolivia, where watershed agreements are made to address the impacts of climate change. This case study is based on the experience of one of IUCN NL’s Bolivian GLA partners: Fundación Natura Bolivia.

Beyond the Amazon: Chiquitania, a forest gem navigating a water crisis

The Chiquitania forest, located in the eastern lowlands of Santa Cruz, Bolivia, and extending into Mato Grosso, Brazil, represents one of the most unique and critically important ecosystems in the world. Chiquitania is a tropical dry forest, a biome that does not have the same global recognition as the Amazon Rainforest, yet it plays an essential role in biodiversity conservation and climate regulation.

Gender-just energy policies in Uganda – a fruitful collaboration between AFIEGO and ARUWE

The fair and equitable production and distribution of energy resources, plus access to green and renewable energy, is not only critical for a healthy planet but also an important matter of just societies and futures. Together with our partners, we recognize issues around energy as ecofeminist matters that need a strong feminist human rights-based approach. 

#Herstory of Change – Nadila

As an ecofeminist network, we want to provide space for the stories of inspiring champions in the fields of gender equality and the fight against climate change and environmental pollution. We believe that a sustainable future and environment need feminist solutions reflecting the lives of people on the ground. That is why we work on transformative gender equality and women’s human rights in interconnection with sustainable development and climate justice.


Large-scale forest destruction in Cameroon

Industrial logging and palm oil companies destroy important forests in Cameroon. This is intertwined with human rights violations. In an urgent call for action, we share those concerns with several ministries of Foreign Affairs, the Central African Forest Initiative and the European Commission.