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Forests for a Just Future

Where we work


Deforestation for green energy, a contradiction in terms

The world is switching from fossil fuels to clean energy, but mining the minerals that are needed for solar panels, wind turbines and batteries is destructive to ecosystems and local communities. Can it be done differently? 'Mining companies are now starting afresh, but now they are also wearing a green jacket – after all, they are digging for the energy transition! But they still operate entirely according to the old, colonial system.' Vice Versa sets out on an investigation.

Paper producer Suzano causes large-scale deforestation

A new report exposes the devastating impact of Suzano’s operations on South America’s environment and local communities. The paper producer is a major landholder, controlling 2.7 million hectares across 7 Brazilian states and 3 crucial biomes.

The partnership, a platform, a springboard

‘If one partner leaves the alliance, it would feel like the amputation of a leg.’ A conversation with Diana Nabiruma and Richard Ssemmanda of the Green Livelihoods Alliance, about their fight against deforestation for fossil fuel extraction in Uganda and their support for local communities – ‘and they protect us from intelligence agents’.


The Green Livelihoods Alliance (2021 - 2025) is an alliance of Gaia Amazonas, IUCN NL, Milieudefensie, NTFP-EP, SDI and Tropenbos International, with Fern and WECF as technical partners.

The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) aims to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods.

In eleven countries in South America, Africa and Asia, as well as internationally, the Alliance works with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and social movements to:

  • increase the participation of IPLCs in policy and decision-making regarding land rights and forest governance
  • strengthen lobby and advocacy to hold governments and industries accountable for deforestation and human rights violations.

Consortium Partners

Technical Partners