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Community forest tenure rights — ten conditions for success

The formalization of forest tenure rights of Indigenous people and local communities is expected to contribute to forest conservation, livelihood improvement and local self-determination. But formalization alone is not enough. More attention is needed for the conditions that must be in place for these expectations to materialize.

Governor’s veto against mining important step towards protection of a critical watershed in the Philippines

The Tampakan mining project in the province of South Cotabato on the Philippines’ southern island of Mindanao is said to be the largest undeveloped copper-gold mine in Southeast Asia. Opening the mine would spell disaster for the region’s watershed systems, agricultural lands and climate resilience. Since the 1990s, the mine has faced stiff resistance from civil society, farmers and Indigenous peoples. A recent amendment to the province’s environmental code, which would have allowed for open-pit mining in the province, has now been vetoed by the province’s governor.

Header photo: Protest against mining that ATM organised together with human rights groups (c) Alyansa Tigil Mina

Research: international solutions for wildfire damage

Commissioned by Friends of the Earth Netherlands, Indonesia and Malaysia, Utrecht University has conducted research into the consequences of forest fires in Southeast Asia for people and the environment. The findings and international solutions have been published in 3 memos.

EU must urgently assess smallholder needs for deforestation regulation success

In response to the EU’s proposed regulation on deforestation-free products, Tropenbos International and 50 other civil society organizations call on the Commission to urgently assess smallholders’ needs. Without support, smallholders may struggle to comply and be excluded from the EU market while deforestation continues.

A long journey to get rights to manage a village forest in Indonesia

Forests in Indonesia host unique biodiversity and are crucial for the livelihoods and well-being of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs). Despite their value, Indonesia’s forests are under threat from agriculture and other industrial developments. To ensure that IPLCs obtain the rights to manage their territories and secure their livelihoods and the unique biodiversity in the forests, the Indonesian government launched a Social Forestry programme. IUCN NL’s partner organization WARSI helps IPLCs to participate in the programme and secure their rights.

Header photo: Simanau Landscape in West Sumatra province © Nanda Rahman

Communities Zoka Central Forest Reserve jointly celebrate World Environment Day

To commemorate World Environment Day on June 5 of this year our partner organization Friends of Zoka joined in the organization of various events for the local communities living around the Zoka Central Forest Reserve. This forest reserve is a 1259-hectare natural forest in the Northern region of Uganda and includes among others the endangered Afzelia Africana tree species, which is a top target for illegal loggers. Friends of Zoka is protecting the Zoka forest from illegal logging.

Header photo: Participants of the nature walk (c) Friends of Zoka

Ten reasons why certification should not be promoted in the EU anti-deforestation regulation

After careful analysis of the draft legislation, available evidence and our hands-on experience with the effects of certification schemes of soy, palm oil and timber on the ground, we discern 10 arguments as to why certification should not be promoted in the EU anti deforestation regulation.

Training of local women’s groups and communities on forest conservation in Kogi State, Nigeria

Women Environmental Programme (WEP), in collaboration with Chachavivi Women and Girl Child Development Foundation (CCWGDF) on 19th May 2022, organized a training for local communities and women’s groups on forest conservation.

As agriculture is one of the drivers of deforestation in the state, participants were taught agricultural practices that do not cause forest degradation such as agroforestry, production and use of organic fertilizers and pesticide, natural pests and weed control among other sustainable practices. Participants were trained on sustainable forest management techniques to prevent forest degradation.

Report: Fuelling the crisis in Mozambique

This research, carried out by Anneke Wensing on behalf of Friends of the Earth, shows that France, the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands and Italy have systematically underestimated the risks of gas projects in Mozambique. This controversial gas project now includes more than 15 billion euros of government support, while it has been shut down for a year due to the violent and dangerous situation.