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Philippines’ biodiversity under increased risk as open-pit mining ban is lifted

Environmental and human rights defenders fear the worst, as the Philippines lifted the ban on open-pit mining that intended to protect the country’s unique biodiversity and to prevent the contamination of watersheds since 2017.

Header photo: Protestor holding sign calling to ban open-pit mining © ATM

After 15 years of fighting a palm oil giant, farmer Hemsi finally gets his land back

The land of Hemsi from Indonesia is brutally taken by a palm oil company in Indonesia. But he didn't give up and in 2021 he finally gets part of his land back. This took 15 years of unbelievable courage, perseverance and suffering.

How the Dutch financial sector contributes to deforestation

Dutch banks, insurers and pension funds give money to companies that trade in products with a high risk of deforestation. Think of palm oil and soy. It is billions of euros. For this purpose, often and a lot is deforested in countries such as Brazil and Indonesia.

Letter to the Government of Norway on Promoting Sustainable Investment in Agriculture Liberia

The organizations joint within the Liberian CSO-Oil Palm Working Group want to share their concerns and the need for urgent action to stop the ongoing deforestation and human rights violations in the Agri-Business sector in Liberia with the Government of Norway. And they request that the government of Norway addresses these issues directly with the Government of Liberia as part of Norway's engagement and commitment to protect the forests and promote the rights of Liberian communities.

Gathering on Extractives & Human Rights: views of mining-affected communities

Mining provides society with a range of essential materials, such as nickel, copper and cobalt. Yet the extractives sector causes large-scale loss of nature and biological diversity, and is linked to human rights violations. In October, over 300 individuals from civil society organisations and community groups from the Asia-Pacific region gathered to discuss a joint strategy for regional advocacy, especially in the light of impacts of COVID to current work on resisting destructive mining operations or threats.

Header image: © Erwin Mascarinas, NTFP-EP Philippines / IUCN NL

Stop illegal activities in DR Congo Protected Areas

In the week before COP26, 234 Congolese and international organisations called on the Head of State of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to put an end to the illegal exploitation of protected areas.

Header photo: Upemba-Kundelungu Complex © Paul Villaespesa / IUCN NL

Indonesia’s climate approach will backfire without a palm oil moratorium

At COP26 in Glasgow, more than 100 leaders, including Indonesian President Joko Widodo, committed to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030. Yet in his speech, Widodo made no mention of the moratorium on palm oil plantations, which expired in September. Without this moratorium, Indonesia’s climate approach will backfire, NGO Sawit Watch warns.

Header photo: palm oil plantation © Sawit Watch

Illegally dismissed Community Members receive compensation from palm oil company Golden Veroleum Liberia.

On Wednesday 20th October 2021, sixteen victims of wrongful dismissal received over 35.000 USD in financial compensation. The wrongful act was committed by Golden Veroleum Liberia, a palm oil company controlled by Singapore listed Golden Agri-Resources after the local community members from Butaw protested against the company back in 2015. The case stands for a sign of hope and sets a precedent for Liberians and communities in other countries that resist rights violations and destructive practices from the multinationals occupying their customary lands. Moreover, this victory will serve as a deterrent for other concessionaires and encourage them to recognize the rights of local communities.

Political freedom in Uganda increasingly under pressure

Six employees of AFIEGO in Uganda were detained for 72 hours last weekend, without formal charges being brought against them. The arrests are part of a worrying pattern of harassment and persecution of AFIEGO by Ugandan authorities.

Header photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash