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Neste’s suppliers responsible for deforestation of at least 10,000 hectares over the past 18 months

Palm oil suppliers of biofuel producer Neste are responsible for the deforestation of at least 10,000 hectares since the beginning of 2019, according to research by Profundo, commissioned by Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands).

Podcast on violence against environmental defenders and what can be done about it

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime presents a podcast series called ‘Faces of Assassination’ to bear witness to the victims of organized crime. Liliana Jauregui, senior expert environmental justice at IUCN NL, shares her expertise in the episode of October 22, which discusses the role of environmental defenders, why they are being targeted, what is being done right now to combat it, and what can be done to make further change going forward.

Indigenous communities fight oil and gas activities in Uganda and DRC

Communities, activists and civil society organizations (CSOs) in Uganda and the DRC are resisting oil and gas activities in sensitive areas. These vital ecosystems provide a habitat for wildlife and livelihoods for local communities. Through building a strong movement, the CSOs hope to stop oil exploration and initiate a just energy transition.

Tropenbos International launches briefing papers on the formalization of community forest rights

Over the last couple of decades, many governments have formalized the forest rights of local communities and indigenous peoples, with the expectation that this would contribute to both conservation and sustainable development. With forest tenure reforms underway, this is a good time to reflect on the experiences so far: Have these reforms led to the desired outcomes? And, what are the conditions for success?

What is ecosystem and cultural connectivity between the Andes, the Amazon and the Atlantic?

Numerous studies show that safeguarding parts of the forest by creating isolated Protected Areas, while vital for immediate conservation, is not a sufficient measure to guarantee the integrity of ecosystems. So how to protect the world’s best preserved continuous tropical forest?


Do forest rights empower communities in Liberia? In conversation with Jonathan Yiah

With around 4.3 million hectares of lowland tropical forest, Liberia is the most forested country in West Africa. Liberia’s forestry sector contributes significantly to the national economy. Moreover, about one-third of the population lives in forested areas, many of whom depend on forests for their livelihoods. The government has developed a legal framework, which recognises customary rights of local communities to access and manage forests. Crucial in this has been the Community Rights Law of 2009.

Field trip opens doors to improvements in oil palm plantations in Uganda

At the beginning of this century the Government of Uganda established oil palm plantations on the island of Kalangala, in Lake Victoria. This caused many problems to local communities. In the case of new oil palm plantations to be set up in Buvuma, the question is whether these negative impacts can be avoided.

Community forest rights in the Philippines and Nigeria: Strong legal foundation is not enough

Over the last couple of decades, governments all over the world introduced forest tenure reforms. A key element of these reforms is to grant forest rights to local communities and indigenous peoples, which is expected to contribute to local development objectives as well as conservation. So far, however, the outcomes have been mixed.

A bumpy road — forest concessions of local communities in DR Congo - In conversation with Alphonse Maindo

Earlier this year, three communities in the Tshopo province of DR Congo received forest concession titles. The government and NGOs believe that these will help decrease deforestation and poverty, but researchers have casted doubts whether these expectations are realistic. Alphonse Maindo, Director of Tropenbos DRC, is cautiously optimistic.